V Steam For Women With Endometriosis

Vaginal Steam (V-Steam): An Effective Way to Promote Reproductive Health

Introduction A vaginal steam (V-Steam) is a natural and relaxing way to improve reproductive health. This therapy involves the use of warm steam and natural essential oils to cleanse and nourish the vaginal and uterine tissues. It is pH balanced to ensure a safe and gentle cleansing experience.

Benefits of a V-Steam

Menstrual Support

  • Clears dark menstrual blood from the beginning or end of the cycle
  • Relieves dysmenorrhea (painful periods or cramping)
  • Regulates irregular periods
  • Stops and starts periods
  • Alleviates symptoms of endometriosis

Vaginal Disorders

  • Treats yeast infections and other vaginal bacteria
  • Supports cervical dysplasia
  • Reduces vaginal dryness and painful intercourse
  • Treats vaginismus

Fertility Enhancement

  • Increases cervical fluids
  • Relaxes the vaginal canal and cervix
  • Nourishes and tonifies the uterine lining

Assisted Fertility Cycles

  • Increases the effectiveness of assisted fertility cycles (IVF, IUI, Donor) - Please Note: consult an Arvigo Practitioner before using steams during these cycles!

When to Avoid V-Steams

  • During pregnancy
  • After ovulation (if attempts have been made to conceive)
  • During heavy bleeding
  • During the full flow of your period
  • If you have an acute infection
  • If you have vaginal sores or blisters

V-Steam Directions

  1. Pour 8 cups of purified water into a medium covered pot.
  2. Add one handful of fresh herbs or 1/4 cup dried herbs to the water.
  3. Boil the water for 5 minutes, then steep for another 5 minutes with the lid on.
  4. Pour 4 cups of the herbal water into a bowl placed in the toilet.
  5. Test the temperature of the steam before using and make sure it is not too hot.
  6. Remove your underwear and sit on the seat above the steaming water.
  7. Drape a large blanket or sheet around your waist to keep the steam contained.
  8. Keep yourself warm, wearing socks or slippers and covering your neck.
  9. Enjoy the warm, rolling heat for 10-12 minutes.
  10. After the steam dies down, dump the water into the toilet and repeat steps 4-9 for a second dose.

Special Notes

  • It is important to test the temperature of the steam before using to avoid burns.
  • Do not use essential oils as they may be too strong and irritate sensitive genital tissue.
  • The cleansing effect of V-Steams may temporarily increase menstrual flow with more dark fluids or debris. Your period may start earlier than usual.
  • Plants: Dry or fresh plants are suggested, ideally organic. Commonly used plants include basil, rosemary, oregano, calendula, motherwort, mugwort, and marigolds.

 A V-Steam is an effective and relaxing way to promote reproductive health. It is a natural and gentle way to cleanse and nourish the vaginal and uterine tissues. However, it is important to follow the instructions carefully and avoid using V-Steams in certain situations to ensure a safe and beneficial experience.



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